Day 6
Pray for Young People
1. Pray for the youth on Oahu, and specifically in Pearl City High School.
2. Pray for the youth of Leeward Community Church.
3. Pray for our youth leadership.
a. Hear the gospel
b. Godly influences in their lives
c. Barriers to salvation be removed
d. Holy Spirit convicts them of sin
e. Salvation
2. Pray for the youth of Leeward Community Church.
a. For a deep and personal relationship with the Lord
b. For strong faith
c. For a shield from negative influences
d. For boldness in sharing their faith
e. For divine guidance
f. For zeal for holiness
g. To be filled with the Holy Spirit
3. Pray for our youth leadership.
a. Pray for Pastor Jon Ayin.
b. Pray for the youth staff team.
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