Day 4

Pray for your Family

1. Pray for salvation for every member. Mention each one by name.

2. Pray for them to experience the depth of the Father’s love and the power of His resurrection.

3. Pray that your family may grow a saving, mountain-moving faith in Jesus, turning your hearts toward Him, and being rooted in the truth of His Word.

4. Pray for Christlikeness for each family member.

5. Pray against anger, competitiveness, or strife that may have taken root.

6. Pray for forgiveness and letting go of any bitterness that may have taken root.

7. Pray for peace.

8. Pray for honesty and transparency.

9. Ask God to place a guard over your mouths as you speak to one another.

10. Pray for spiritual protection against the enemy.

11. Pray for provision and protection.

12. Pray for the future. Pray that your (existing or future) children and grandchildren will be examples of what it means to follow Jesus in how they live their lives. Ask God to teach them to find their confidence and hope in God for any difficulties they may face.

1 Comment

Joe - January 9th, 2025 at 11:10am

“And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.””

n‭‭Acts‬ ‭16‬:‭31‬ ‭ESV‬‬
