4.27.20 - Spiritual Encouragement Wk #6

Apr 27, 2020    Auntie Lynn

When I think of Christmas Camp, one memory stands out: Extended worship. Even now, the image of all of us worshiping God together, wholeheartedly and without reservation, brings a smile to my face. We sang, we raised our hands, cheered, danced, kneeled, or lay prostrate before our God and King. Remembering how the Holy Spirit moved and softened hearts brings tears to my eyes. There is something special about worshiping with other believers.

Fast forward to today, and it seems like a distant memory. Technology has stepped in and thankfully, we can worship together online on Sundays; but there is something else we can do. Since worship is simply spending time acknowledging who God is and expressing our love for Him, we can do that even when we are alone, in what Christians call the “secret place.”

Where is this place? The secret place is anywhere we can spend one-on-one time with God and connect deeply with Him. In the New Testament, Jesus tells us that “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”

I have worshiped and prayed to God in my yard, on my treadmill, and even at my sink washing dishes!

What is this place like? In the secret place, we can be our true selves. God meets us right where we are. He hears our praises and our cries for help.

The Old Testament talks about hidden places, where we can feel safe with God (Psalm 27:5 says, “He will hide me in His shelter…” and Psalm 91:4 says, “He will cover you with his feathers, under His wings you will find safety.”).

What does worship look like in the secret place? In the secret place, we are able to worship God through what comes naturally. Enjoy music? Worship Him through songs, dance, and singing. Love art? Worship Him by drawing or painting. Are you athletic? Worship Him while you work out or run. Love to write and think? Worship Him as you journal. Busy? Worship Him in your mind while doing everyday tasks.

Whatever form it takes, our worship blesses God. And who knows? God can use time spent in the secret place to bless others.

Singer Cory Asbury says that his song, “Reckless Love” came from a really deep place in his heart, but now it’s sung all over the world. In Guatemala, children sing it because it speaks of the Father’s love, when some of them do not have earthly fathers. What Cory created in the secret place, God used to draw many people to Himself.

Each time we worship God and spend time with Him, we are choosing to follow His Spirit rather than our flesh (Romans 8:5-8). We give Him the opportunity to speak to us, transform our minds, and make us a blessing for His glory.

Corporate worship is still an important part of our Christian lives. So this Sunday, let’s worship together at church on Facebook Live. Sing your hearts out and send out all of the heart emojis. But as the old song says, “When the music fades, and all is stripped away…” remember that worship is not just about the songs: Worship in the secret (and not-so-secret places), is and will always be, about God.

Discussion Questions: Spend a few minutes brainstorming the answers to the following questions. Share your responses:
1. How: How can I worship God? What feels natural to me?
2. Where: My secret place to spend time with God—where is it?/where can it be?
3. When: When is the best time for me to spend time with God? In the morning, at night? How can I make worship part of my daily rhythm?
4. What resources can I use to help me worship God? (e.g., youtube, You Bible app, Spotify, books, journals, etc.). Share resources with one another.