Day 30: Being A Christ Follower

Mary Samante

1: Scripture

"The thief comes to only steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." -John 10:10

2: Connection Point
Q: What are the things in this world that you think pulls you away from God?
Money? Friends? Relationships? Success? Entertainment? Comfort?

Sometimes we can get so busy in our own lives to the point where it allows us to prioritize the things that we do first, before putting God first. I was in Molokai for missions trip for 2 weeks and we were coming to a close at end of camp, however my leader uncle Matt left us on a very important note. He gave an illustration of 2 huge glass jars that were the same exact size, in one jar he put different colors of sand that represented fame, education, money, and all the things we valued the most in this world, after that when he threw all those things in the first jar, he then put 3 tennis balls that represented God but sadly they couldn't fit into the jar because of all the sand and ping pong balls that consumed the jar. He then said this, "When we put the things of this world in our lives first, we won't have enough room for God." I then looked at my own life and questioned myself, am I putting God first before everything else in this world? Sometimes we can get so caught in our daily lives we forget to spend time with our Heavenly Father and put him first and in the center of everything. Finally, uncle Matt went to the second jar but instead of putting the sand and the ping pong balls first that presented the things we value in this world, he instead threw the 3 tennis balls that repented God and then threw all the sand and the ping pong balls in, and everything fit! You see, when we put God in the center in our lives, all those things will come along when we put Him first. The bible says, that Jesus has come to give us life and that we may have it the full, full meaning plentiful. As we follow Christ we should give all those things up to God and put Him first in the center of our lives. Surrender to Him and He will give an abundant life.

3: Journaling / Prayers

- What's are the things you need to surrender to God?

- Are you putting God first before everything else?

- Are you spending time with Jesus daily?